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 Todas as ofertas

Finance - Network Management Employee (M/F)

Publicado 22/04/2024



Campos de atividadeContabilidade e Gestão

Tipo de contratoIntérim (4 mois)

Registe o seu CV

Descrição da Empresa

Sofitex Talent Recruitment
Fort d'une expérience de plus de 30 ans dans les Ressources Humaines, Sofitex est un réseau international de Travail Temporaire et de Placement en CDI. Sofitex fonde sa dynamique et son succès sur le professionnalisme de ses équipes, sa forte réactivité et sa proximité.

Descrição do trabalho

For one of our clients, a financial institution located in Luxembourg-Munsbach, Sofitex Talent is currently looking for a 4-month contract for a

Finance - Network Management Employee (M/F)

The Network Management Department is in charge for the selection and the relationship with all external counterparties for the deposit of securities and cash and is responsible for the account lifecycle (opening, maintenance, and closing) with those counterparties.

Min Tasks

• Principal activities are and not limited to:

Annual assessment of Sub-custodians and Cash correspondent Banks

o Collect of information, comparison table completion

o Analysis of the Due Diligence Questionnaire

o Supervision of Market news, analysis and internal communication

Annual assessment of outsourcing providers – CSSF Circular 22/806

o Collect of information, comparison table completion

o Analysis of the Due Diligence Questionnaire

o Collect of KRI / KPI among relevant departments and internal communication

o External communication with providers

• Strict adherence to rules, policies, laws, directives and any other obligation is due.

• Promote effective and professional communication in the team being transversal or bottom-up, with internal stakeholders and certainly with external parties. Be an example and strive for excellence in that area.

• Show a strong “can do” attitude when it comes to requests or changes.

Perfil buscado


Academic background (i.e A level+2) in Finance or equivalent and/or a proven experience in a similar role for up to 2 years

Knowledge and experience

• Good understanding of the fundamentals of a financial organization and related supervisory bodies

• Very good understanding of the activities related to the contractual scheme and account structure for relationships with sub-custodians and Nostro.

• Fair understanding of the Custody and Fund business principles (Luxembourg and Cayman Funds).

• Fair understanding of the applicable laws, directives and regulations like FATCA, CSDR, MiFID act and fair understanding of AIFMD and UCITS and CSSF circular 22/806


Fluency in English, good command in French being an asset Other European languages will be considered as an advantage

IT skills

• Strong command of the Microsoft Office package with an advanced

Knowledge of Excel

Personal skills

• Analytical and problem solving skills

• Client service, quality and risk oriented

• Ability to work under pressure with focus on timely delivery

• Effective oral and written communication skills

• Team player: being reliable, willing to learn and share and supporting colleagues

• Able to take initiatives in the best interest of the Bank and the team

This is an opportunity for a 4-month contract, to start asap

Salary:70-80K + meal vouchers

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